Sending NPS responses into Slack

FanExam has a simple to use Slack integration.

To create a new Slack reaction:

  1. Open the New Incoming Webhook Integration in Slack and choose a channel (we recommend the #general channel).
  2. Scroll down to the Integration Settings. Under Descriptive Label please enter New FanExam NPS Response and click Save Settings.
  3. Scroll down again to the Integration Settings and copy the value for Webhook URL.
  4. Open the workflow settings tab in FanExam.
  5. Add a new automated reaction by selecting the customer type, and from the then do this menu, select the Slack integration notification.
  6. In the text field, input the value for Webhook URL from step 3 and click the Create reaction button.

That’s it.

Facebook sharing of NPS responses

When you enable Facebook sharing of your FanExam responses you can customize how your website shows up.

To customize the information in the Facebook feed, like the preferred image and your website information, you need to set the Facebook Open Graph Protocol data. The Open Graph Protocol data are set on your own website in the form of html meta tags. This is quite technical, but some web publishing systems do this automatically for you.

Further information is available from Facebook in the sharing information for webmasters (look under Open Graph markup).

Start an Intercom conversation from a FanExam NPS response

FanExam has both an event and a conversation integration with Intercom.  We recommend to use both integrations such that you can measure NPS in Intercom and reply to your customer’s responses.

You can directly start a conversation in Intercom when you receive a NPS response.  This is the quickest way to directly reach out to a customer and thank for a good rating or solve a problem with a detractor rating.

How to start a conversation in Intercom

  1.   Set up a user identifier (email) in your FanExam tag code.
  2.   Then, in the FanExam settings, under “Worflow configuration, create a new automated reaction.  Choose “Any Type” and “gives open feedback” and/or “rates your website”, then choose “send email”.  As an email address, choose your incoming Intercom address.

That’s it.  You can now reply to your customers’ ratings directly in Intercom.